Step 2: Submit data and create metadata
Contact us
As a first step, please contact us by email and provide us with initial information about your data, such as data types, file formats, file sizes, and total size of the dataset. Think about the accessibility of your research data (open access, partial or temporary access restriction, initially only password-based access for journal reviewers) and open content licenses - we will be happy to advise you on this.
If you would like to publish research data for a publication on one of the Heidelberg Open Access platforms or in the area of the specialized information services, Propylaeum, and FID4SA, please contact the respective contact persons. The publication process of text and associated research data will then be organized from a single source.
Create user account
When using heiDATA for the first time, you must register as a user.
Data submission and ingest
- Send us your data and any documentation or README files. We take care of the data ingest into the repository for you, as we perform technical checks in the course of our data curation activities before the upload. Smaller amounts of data can be sent to us as e-mail attachments, medium amounts of data can be sent to us via heiBOX upload. For the transmission of large amounts of data, the GigaMove service is a good choice.
- We check your data and, if necessary, perform format conversions for long-term archiving of the data after consultation with you. We import the research data into heiDATA and prepare for publication.
- We send you a link where you can enter the descriptive metadata for your dataset.
Metadata input for datasets and datafiles
We will send you an editing link to edit the metadata. After logging in, call up the “Edit Metadata” button in the web interface.

Enter a title for your dataset. If your dataset is used in a publication, you can enter the title of the publication and add “[data]” or “[research data]” to the title.
Give names in the form “last name, first name” and in the way you use it in your publications. We recommend that you also state your affiliation precisely, indicating Heidelberg University and the respective institute. If you wish to indicate co-authors, click on the “Plus” button. We also recommend that you provide your ORCID number.
Enter a contact email address. Also enter the name of the contact person or research group/institution.
Describe the data provided here, including relevant information on data collection and methodology. You can use html code to structure the paragraph, e.g. <p> and </p> to add paragraphs or <a href="/url">link text</a> for clickable links.
Select information on the parent subject area (in English), such as Computer and Information Science, Mathematical Sciences, Arts and Humanities, etc.
Recommendation to specify a more specific subject, e.g. solid state physics, art history or similar. You can enter free terms, but we recommend using controlled vocabularies, e.g. LCSH, GND or MeSH. In these cases, enter vocabulary and vocabulary URL if possible.
Each keyword must be entered separately. Please click the plus button to enter additional keywords. You can enter free terms, but we recommend using controlled vocabularies, e.g. LCSH, GND or MeSH. In these cases, enter vocabulary and vocabulary URL if possible.
If the files you deposit are the background data for a publication, you should specify a reference to the publication here. If you add more than one publication, only the first one will be displayed on the overview page of the record.
If your project was funded by third-party funds, please indicate the funding agency as well as the grant number.
FILE Metadata
After ingesting the data, metadata can also be added for individual files. In a free text field “Description” the files can be described and tagged. Provenance information for individual files can also be added here under "Provenance".

Note: Please do not independently exchange any files imported by us before publishing the dataset. If you want to add, remove or exchange data, please contact us.
DOI Reservation and Private URLs for Advance Access
As soon as we have created the dataset in the system, a DOI is pre-reserved for it. We will inform you of the DOI before publication so that you can make a reference to the dataset in the manuscript of your publication. In addition, we can generate so-called Private URLs before the dataset is released, which journal reviewers, for example, can use to access the datasets that have not yet been published. The Private URL remains active until either we deactivate it or until the dataset is released.Attention: The Private URL is not stable. Therefore, it must not be used as a link in the paper, but is only temporarily suitable for the review process.